Welcome to the SOEP-IS Companion!
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- Updates January 2025:
minor content update
SOEP-IS questionnaires added
search function fixed
SOEP Innovation Sample - at a Glance
The research infrastructure SOEP at DIW Berlin established a longitudinal Innovation Sample (SOEP-IS) in 2011 for particularly innovative research projects. The SOEP-IS is primarily available for methodical and thematic research that involves too high a risk of non-response for the long-term SOEP study.
… is based on the evaluation conducted by the Science Council.
… is a longitudinal sample for particularly innovative survey methods and behavioral experiments.
… was originally part of SOEP-Core, but has been running as an completely separate study since 2011.
The SOEP-IS-Companion describes the current version of the SOEP-IS data and introduces users to the data structure of SOEP-IS. It also provides applications in Stata as well as instructions on how to use our various documentation services.
We know that starting to use any new dataset is difficult, and this is especially true of panel data given their complexity. We hope that this introduction will help. We always welcome any feedback or tips on how to improve our documentation.
SOEP-IS related information
the latest version of SOEP-IS: SOEP-IS
the latest call for proposals: SOEP-IS Innovative Modules
paneldata.org, our information system for efficient working with complex datasets: paneldata.org/soep-is
Table of Content
- Contents of SOEP-IS
- Innovative Modules
- Upcoming Modules 2027
- Effects of Major Work
- Employee Share Participation
- Fine Phonetic Detail and Social Meaning in Sociodemographically Diverse Populations
- Increasing the labor market participation of older workers
- Is conservation behavior elastic to information about climate change, Measurement from Germany
- Motivational Orientation Across Adulthood
- The childfree
- Video-interviewing as part of a targeted multi-mode design in household panel surveys
- Vignettes Promotion
- What Does ‘Migration Background’ Tell Us
- Upcoming Modules 2026
- Climate Policy: Emotions, Attitudes and Trade-Offs
- Digital platforms and life satisfaction
- Digital Skills: Socioeconomic Differences and Social Inequality
- Effects of Major Work/Nonwork Life Events on Boundary Management Preferences
- Gender role orientations, gender identity and the health lifestyles of men and women: Health behaviors as expressions of (un)doing gender?
- Individual Preferences for Truth-Telling
- Is conservation behavior elastic to information about climate change; Measurement from Germany
- Knobe-Effect
- Loss Aversion Using A Symmetric Scale
- Measurement of Higher Order Risk Preferences
- Perceived child penalties and labor supply decisions
- Perceptions and Preferences towards Chinese Investments: A Randomized Survey Experiment in Germany
- Social information use across families, development and socio-economic conditions
- What Do People Believe That Others (Should) Earn? Multifactorial Survey Experiments on Beliefs About Actual and Fair Earnings
- Upcoming Modules 2025
- Ageing in a changing society: Multilevel determinants of active engagement and well-being in old age
- Digital presence behavior at the workplace
- Eliciting Flow, Forward-Looking, and Lifetime Utility From Life Satisfaction Reports
- Endowment Effect
- Evaluating the comparability of life satisfaction responses
- Factorial Survey on Future Narratives
- Family-Work Trade-Offs
- Has the COVID-19 pandemic changed redistributive beliefs and preferences?
- Investigating Economic Behavior Through Household Surveys
- Loss Aversion: Its Distribution and Predictive Validity
- Marketized Mentality
- OSS (Ostracism Short Scale)
- Perceived characteristics of major life events
- Personality and social relationship dynamics: Short- and medium-term processes in daily life
- Social Comparison: Reference Groups and Wage Transparency
- The Correlates, Development, and Outcomes of Perceived Societal Marginalization
- The smallest subjectively experienced difference in well-being
- Vignettes: Promotion
- Released Modules
- Survey Year 2020
- A Study of Truth-telling Using a Representative Sample
- Biased Beliefs about Outside Options and Wage Inequality (Follow-up Study)
- Cognitive Reflection Test
- Cyberbullying across cultures
- Future Time Perspective (FTP) scale as a three-year lag follow-up wave
- Measurement of Higher Order Risk Preferences
- Parental transmission of endowments and shock exposure to the next generation
- Purpose in life
- Self-Control: Measurement, Predictors, Consequences and Policy Implications – Follow-up assessment
- Social sexual behavior at the workplace
- Survey Year 2019
- Actual Inequality, Perceived Inequality & Populism
- Assessing couples’ prediction accuracy for food preferences
- Biased Beliefs about Outside Options and Wage Inequality (Follow-Up study in 2023)
- Dialects and regional accents
- Digitalization and Its Impact on Work and Private Life
- Direct and Indirect Measurement of the Justice of Earnings
- Family-Work Trade-Offs
- Genetic Analyses of “Trios” in the SOEP-IS
- Inequality and Other-Regarding Preferences and Risk Taking
- Labor Rights Awareness and Workplace Interaction Module
- Pension and Care Expectations
- Reservation Wages: Beyond the Unemployed
- Stability and patterns of change in target-specific beliefs and redistributive preferences
- What Do People Believe That Others (Should) Earn? Multifactorial Survey Experiments on Beliefs About Actual and Fair Earnings
- Survey Year 2018
- Anxiety and Depression
- Awareness of Age-Related Change
- Comparison of Different Measurements of Donating
- Comparison of Different Measurements of Volunteering
- Consumers’ Beliefs and Trust in Predictive Analytics
- Endowment Effect
- Inattentional Blindness
- INCOM Social Comparison Scale
- Inequality and Other-Regarding Preferences and Risk Taking
- Narcissistic Admiration and Rivalry Questionnaire (NARQ-S)
- Ostracism Modul
- Perception of Inequality
- Prenatal Testosterone Exposure (2D:4D) and Economic Preferences
- Self-Control
- Self-Insight Motive Scale
- Stroop Test
- Subjective Social Status
- Survey Year 2017
- Adaption in Very Old Age
- Adaption to Major Life Events
- Assessment of Contextualized Emotions
- Determinants of Ambiguity Aversion
- Future Time Perspective
- Grit and Entrepreneurship
- Inequality and Other-Regarding Preferences and Risk Taking
- Inequality Attitudes
- Justice Sensitivity
- Multilingualism, Language Attitudes and Their Socioeconomic Reflection
- Private or Public Health Care
- Representations of Scientific Information
- Self-Control
- Socio-economic Effects of Physical Activity
- Temporal Self-Continuity
- Working Time Preferences
- Survey Year 2016
- Adaption to Major Life Events
- Ageing in a changing society: Multilevel determinants of active engagement and well-being in old age
- Collective vs. Individual Risk Attitudes
- Family Care
- Happiness Analyzer Smartphone Application
- Informal Care Outside the Household
- Internet Based Psychotherapy
- Language Skills, Income and Employment
- Perceived Discrimination
- Personal and Economic Relations
- Physical Attractiveness
- Representations of Scientific Information
- Resilient Behavior in the Workplace
- Separating Systematic Measurement Error Components Using MTMM in Longitudinal Studies
- Status Confidence and Anxiety
- Subjective Social Status
- Survey Year 2015
- Attitude Inferences and Interviewer Effects
- Couples’ Prediction Accuracy for Food Preferences
- Day Reconstruction Method
- Diversity of Living-Apart-Together-Couples
- Emotion Regulation
- Epigenetic Markers of Stress
- Fiscal Crisis in the EU and European Solidarity
- Grit and Entrepreneurship
- Happiness Analyzer Smartphone Application
- Impostor Phenomenon
- Narcissistic Admiration and Rivalry Questionnaire (NARQ-S)
- Ostracism Modul
- Preference for Leisure
- Private or Public Health Care
- Self-Regulated Personality Development
- Separating Systematic Measurement Error Components Using MTMM in Longitudinal Studies
- Sickness Presenteeism
- Socio-economic Effects of Physical Activity
- Smartphone Usage
- Survey Year 2014
- Anxiety and Depression
- Bonn Intervention Panel
- Comparing Measures of Experimential and Evaluative Well-Being
- Computer-Assisted Measurement and Coding of Educational Qualifications in Surveys (CAMCES)
- Confusion, Hubbub, and Order Scale (CHAOS)
- Cross-Cultural Study of Happiness
- Day Reconstruction Method
- Decisions from Description and Experience
- Determinants of Attitudes to Income Redistribution
- Determinants of Not Wanting to Know
- Flourishing Scale
- Future Life Events
- Inattentional Blindness
- Justice Sensitivity
- Lottery Play
- Self-Evaluation and Overconfidence in Different Life Domains
- Separating Systematic Measurement Error Components Using MTMM in Longitudinal Studies
- Survey Year 2013
- Survey Year 2012
- Survey Year 2011
- Survey Year 2020
- Upcoming Modules 2027
- Survey Design
- Target Population and Samples
- Working with SOEP-IS
- What is the difference between the Companion of the SOEP-Core and the SOEP-IS?
- Why are there cases from SOEP-Core in some SOEP-IS datasets?
- Can I merge variables from innovative modules with SOEP Core data?
- The inno.dta dataset cannot be opened because it contains too many variables / cases. Is there a smaller version of the dataset?
- According to the questionnaire, respondents can answer open ended questions. Why are these variables not in the datasets?
- What do the suffixes “_v1”, “_v2”, or “_h” in variable names mean?
- Why is the pid not a unique identifier in the biol dataset?
- Contact Information