Direct and Indirect Measurement of the Justice of Earnings
Short Description: This module is a short survey experiment on justice evaluations of the own labor income in the SOEP-IS. Results from this experiment can help to interpret existing SOEP time series data and to compare data between different surveys. Furthermore, the experimental results can inform future decision making on the justice evaluation module in the SOEP and other surveys.
Available Papers
Adriaans, Jule, Philipp Eisnecker, Carsten Sauer, and Peter Valet. 2022. Binary response format or 11-point scale? Measuring justice evaluations of earnings in the SOEP. Survey Methods: Insights from the Field. (
Contact |
Syear |
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Replication |
Jule Adriaans (German Institute for Economic Research Berlin (DIW)), Philipp Eisnecker (German Institute for Economic Research Berlin (DIW)), Dr. Carsten Sauer (Radboud University Nijmegen), Dr. Peter Valet (University of Bamberg) |
2019 |
4284 |
inno |
igv03wn, igv04, igv_dummyvariable1, igv03, igv05, im_igv, igv02wn, igv06, igv02, igv07, igv08, igv01, igv_dummy2 |
06/2022 |
Labor Economics |
Experiment |