Cross-Cultural Study of Happiness
Short Description: The goal of this project is to explore how culture-specific meanings of happiness give rise to differences both across cultures (Germany and Japanese) and within cultures.
Methodological Details: Several self-report items on happiness, e.g., “Taking all things together, how happy would you say you will be in the future, say about five years from now?”
Available Papers
Rohrer, Julia M., David Richter, Martin Brümmer, Gert G. Wagner, and Stefan C. Schmukle. 2018. Successfully Striving for Happiness: Socially Engaged Pursuits Predict Increases in Life Satisfaction. Psychological Science 29 (8), 1291-1298. (
Find the proposal for the module here
Contact |
Syear |
Respondents |
Dataset |
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Availability |
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Replication |
Yukiko Uchida (Kyoto University Kokoro Research Center), Gisela Trommsdorff (University of Konstanz) |
2014 |
~4500 |
inno |
oecdaff1, hapi1, oecdaff4, oecdaff3, oecdaff2, hapi2, oecdaff6, oecdaff5, im_hap |
04/2017 |
Psychology |
Survey items |