Contents of SOEP-IS¶
SOEP-IS is based on an evaluation conducted by the German Council of Science and Humanities. is a longitudinal sample for particularly innovative survey methods and behavioral experiments. * will be further developed in the period from 2012 to 2017 and should be fully developed by 2017.
A two-step module of Governance is established to regulate topics and question modules: first, the SOEP survey management runs a basic methodological test to establish whether the size, format, and survey mode outlined in a proposal seem appropriate for implementation in the SOEP-IS. The SOEP Survey Committee then checks the content of proposals received and prioritizes these for selection purposes. Information about the SOEP Innovation Sample (SOEP-IS) in general and about the application process is published in: Schmollers Jahrbuch 135 (3), 389-399 by Jürgen Schupp and David Richter
SOEP Innovation Sample – at a Glance
is based on the evaluation conducted by the Science Council.
will establish a longitudinal sample for particularly innovative survey methods and behavioral experiments.
will be established in the period from 2012 to 2017 and should be fully developed by 2017.
annual field time will be September to December of each year.
the first wave in the first subsample of the SOEP-IS has been started in September 2011, with a newly developed core questionnaire “SOEP Innovations” and new methods to measure gender stereotypes.
overall volume and costs of the surveys to be conducted in the SOEP-IS will be lower than if “fresh” samples were used: central household and individual characteristics, invariant over time, are already available and will not have to be collected again.
Demography and Population¶
Questionnaire |
Module |
Variables |
Country of Origin (asked annually) |
Country of Origin (asked irregularly) |
Birth history (asked annually) |
Work and Employment¶
Questionnaire |
Module |
Variables |
Care period (Pflegezeit) (asked only once) |
Change of job (asked annually) |
Change of job (asked irregularly) |
Change of job (asked only once) |
Commuter Module (asked irregularly) |
Contract to Provide Specific Services (Werkvertrag) (asked only once) |
Contractual working hours (asked annually) |
Contractual working hours (asked irregularly) |
Current job (asked annually) |
plb0035, plb0036, plb0037, plb0040, plb0041, plb0049, plb0058, plb0063, plb0064, plb0065 |
Employees’ council (Betriebsrat) (asked irregularly) |
Employment / education calendar (asked annually) |
pab0001, pab0002, pab0004, pab0005, pab0006, pab0007, pab0008, pab0010, pab0011, pab0012, pab0013 |
Employment status (asked annually) |
Evening and weekend work (asked irregularly) |
Evening and weekend work (asked only once) |
Financial compensation for overtime (asked annually) |
Industry sector, occupational classification (asked annually) |
Job search (asked annually) |
Job search, motives (asked irregularly) |
Job search, preferences (asked irregularly) |
Leaving a job (asked annually) |
plb0282, plb0298, plb0299, plb0301, plb0302, plb0304, plb0305, plc0040 |
Leaving a job (asked irregularly) |
Maternity / parental leave (asked annually) |
Occupational expectations, non-employed (asked irregularly) |
Performance evaluation by superior (asked irregularly) |
Professional expectations, long (asked irregularly) |
plb0432, plb0433, plb0434, plb0435, plb0436, plb0437, plb0438, plb0439, plb0440, plb0441, plb0442 |
Registered unemployed (asked annually) |
Self-employment, reasons (asked only once) |
Short-time compensation (Kurzarbeitergeld) (asked irregularly) |
Side jobs (asked annually) |
plb0392, plb0394, plb0395, plb0396, plb0397, plb0398, plc0062 |
Side jobs (asked irregularly) |
Side jobs (asked only once) |
Standby duty (asked only once) |
Start of working hours (asked irregularly) |
Starting a new job (asked annually) |
plb0240, plb0417, plb0418, plb0419, plb0420, plb0421, plb0422, plb0423, plb0424 |
Supervisory position (asked irregularly) |
Use of professional skills in job (asked irregularly) |
Vacation entitlement (asked irregularly) |
plb0269, plb0270, plb0272, plb0273, plb0274, plb0275, plb0276 |
Vacation entitlement (asked only once) |
Work from home (asked irregularly) |
Work time regulations (asked irregularly) |
Work, last 7 days (asked annually) |
Working overtime (asked annually) |
Working overtime (asked only once) |
Workload (effort-reward imbalance) (asked irregularly) |
plb0112, plb0113, plb0114, plb0115, plb0116, plb0117, plb0118, plb0119, plb0120, plb0121, plb0122, plb0123, plb0124, plb0125, plb0126, plb0127, plb0128, plb0129, plb0130, plb0131, plb0132, plb0133, plb0134, plb0135, plb0136, plb0137 |
Health and Care¶
Questionnaire |
Module |
Variables |
Additional private insurance (asked irregularly) |
ple0128, ple0129, ple0130, ple0131, ple0132, ple0133, ple0134 |
Alcohol consumption (asked irregularly) |
Disabilities in everyday life (SF-12) (asked irregularly) |
Health insurance (asked annually) |
Health restrictions (asked only once) |
Height and weight (asked irregularly) |
Hospital stays (asked annually) |
Illnes (asked annually) |
Illnes (asked irregularly) |
ple0011, ple0012, ple0013, ple0014, ple0015, ple0016, ple0017, ple0018, ple0019, ple0020, ple0022, ple0023, ple0024 |
Qualification for additional benefits (asked annually) |
Reduced ability to work (asked annually) |
Sickness notifications to employer (asked annually) |
plb0024, ple0044, ple0046, ple0048, ple0049, ple0050, ple0051, ple0052 |
Smoking (asked irregularly) |
Smoking (asked only once) |
State of health (asked annually) |
Stress and exhaustion (SF-12) (asked annually) |
Stress and exhaustion (SF-12) (asked irregularly) |
ple0026, ple0027, ple0028, ple0029, ple0030, ple0031, ple0032, ple0033, ple0034, ple0035 |
Visits to the doctor (asked annually) |
Satisfaction with availability of care (asked irregularly) |
Health of child (asked annually) |
disord, disord1, disord2, disord3, disord4, disord5, disord6, disord7, disord8, disord9, hospital12m, hospital3mb, ill0, ill10, ill11, ill12, ill13, ill14, ill2, ill4, ill5, ill6, ill7, ill8, ill9, illno, lstmedex, medaid3mb |
Height and weight of child (asked annually) |
Physical and mental health of mother (asked annually) |
Home, Amenities, and Contributions of Private HH¶
Questionnaire |
Module |
Variables |
Dependence on childcare hours (asked only once) |
Leisure activities and costs, children (asked irregularly) |
ka06_art, ka06_mus, ka06_non, ka06_oth, ka06_spo, ka16_art, ka16_ctr, ka16_mus, ka16_non, ka16_org, ka16_sar, ka16_smu, ka16_sot, ka16_spo, ka16_ssp, ka16_sth, ka16_yth |
Lunch, childcare (asked irregularly) |
School attendance by child (asked annually) |
Change in residential situation (asked annually) |
Changes in home fixtures and furnishings since last year (asked irregularly) |
hlc0116, hlc0117, hlf0159, hlf0164, hlf0165, hlf0166, hlf0167, hlf0169, hlf0170, hlf0209, hlf0212, hlf0214, hlf0215, hlf0217, hlf0218, hlf0223, hlf0228, hlf0229, hlf0231, hlf0233, hlf0236, hlf0237, hlf0239, hlf0240, hlf0241, hlf0242, hlf0244, hlf0245, hlf0247, hlf0248 |
Changes in home fixtures and furnishings since last year (asked only once) |
hlf0210, hlf0211, hlf0213, hlf0216, hlf0219, hlf0220, hlf0221, hlf0222, hlf0224, hlf0225, hlf0226, hlf0227, hlf0230, hlf0232, hlf0234, hlf0235, hlf0238, hlf0243, hlf0246, hlf0249, hlf0250, hlf0251, hlf0252 |
Cleaning or household help (asked annually) |
Consumption Module (asked irregularly) |
Consumption Module (asked only once) |
hlf0168, hlf0171, hlf0172, hlf0371, hlf0372, hlf0373, hlf0374, hlf0375, hlf0376, hlf0377, hlf0378, hlf0379, hlf0380, hlf0381, hlf0382, hlf0383, hlf0384, hlf0385, hlf0386, hlf0387, hlf0388, hlf0389, hlf0390, hlf0391, hlf0392, hlf0393, hlf0394, hlf0395, hlf0396, hlf0397, hlf0398, hlf0399, hlf0400, hlf0401, hlf0402, hlf0403, hlf0404, hlf0405, hlf0406, hlf0407, hlf0408, hlf0409, hlf0410, hlf0411, hlf0412, hlf0413, hlf0414, hlf0415, hlf0416, hlf0417, hlf0418, hlf0419, hlf0420, hlf0421, hlf0422, hlf0423, hlf0424, hlf0425, hlf0426, hlf0427, hlf0428, hlf0429, hlf0430, hlf0431, hlf0432, hlf0433, hlf0434 |
Costs of comparable rental homes (asked irregularly) |
Costs of home ownership (asked annually) |
Dwelling / building type (asked annually) |
Government-subsidized housing (asked annually) |
Government-subsidized housing (asked irregularly) |
Hereditary lease interest (asked annually) |
Home fixtures and furnishings (asked annually) |
hlf0024, hlf0025, hlf0026, hlf0027, hlf0028, hlf0029, hlf0030, hlf0031, hlf0032, hlf0033, hlf0034, hlf0035, hlf0036, hlf0037 |
Home ownership / rental (asked annually) |
Home ownership / rental (asked irregularly) |
Homeowner (asked annually) |
Loans, mortgages, building loan agreements (asked annually) |
Material deprivation (asked irregularly) |
hlf0175, hlf0177, hlf0178, hlf0179, hlf0180, hlf0181, hlf0183, hlf0185, hlf0186, hlf0187, hlf0188, hlf0189, hlf0190, hlf0191, hlf0192, hlf0193, hlf0194, hlf0195 |
Monthly rent, heating, other expenses (asked annually) |
Monthly rent, heating, other expenses (asked irregularly) |
Name and birth of children (asked annually) |
Number of books in household (asked irregularly) |
Persons in household in need of care (asked annually) |
hlf0291, hlf0292, hlf0300, hlf0301, hlf0302, hlf0303, hlf0319, hlf0320, hlf0321, hlf0322, hlf0331, hlf0332, hlf0369, hlf0370 |
Persons in household in need of care (asked irregularly) |
Pets (asked irregularly) |
hlf0196, hlf0254, hlf0255, hlf0256, hlf0257, hlf0258, hlf0259 |
Reasons for moving, comparison of old and new home (asked annually) |
hlf0124, hlf0125, hlf0126, hlf0127, hlf0128, hlf0129, hlf0130, hlf0131, hlf0132 |
Reasons for moving, comparison of old and new home (asked irregularly) |
Residential area (asked annually) |
Residential area (asked irregularly) |
hld0001, hld0002, hld0003, hlf0135, hlf0136, hlf0137, hlf0138, hlf0139, hlf0140, hlf0141, hlf0142, hlf0143, hlf0144, hlf0145, hlf0146, hlf0147, hlf0148, hlf0149, hlf0150, hlf0151, hlf0152, hlj0004 |
Second Residence (asked only once) |
Size and condition of home (asked annually) |
Size and condition of home (asked irregularly) |
Education and Qualification¶
Questionnaire |
Module |
Variables |
Completed education and training (asked irregularly) |
plg0072, plg0073, plg0074, plg0075, plg0076, plg0077, plg0078, plg0079 |
Further education, course details and motives for participation (asked irregularly) |
plg0108, plg0109, plg0110, plg0111, plg0112, plg0113, plg0114, plg0115, plg0116, plg0117, plg0118, plg0119, plg0120, plg0121, plg0122, plg0129, plg0130, plg0131, plg0132, plg0133, plg0134, plg0135, plg0138, plg0139, plg0140, plg0141, plg0142, plg0143, plg0144, plg0145, plg0146, plg0147, plg0148, plg0149, plg0152, plg0154, plg0164, plg0165, plg0169, plg0171, plg0172, plg0174, plg0175, plg0176, plg0177, plg0182, plg0183, plg0184, plg0185, plg0186 |
Further education, course details and motives for participation (asked only once) |
Vocational training (asked annually) |
Educational aspirations (asked annually) |
School enrollment (asked annually) |
Attitudes, Values, and Personality¶
Questionnaire |
Module |
Variables |
10,000-euro question (asked only once) |
11,000-euro question (asked only once) |
12,000-euro question (asked only once) |
Affective well-being (asked annually) |
Anomie (asked only once) |
Big Five personality traits (asked irregularly) |
plh0212, plh0213, plh0214, plh0215, plh0216, plh0217, plh0218, plh0219, plh0220, plh0221, plh0222, plh0223, plh0224, plh0225, plh0226, plh0255 |
Depressive traits (asked only once) |
Donation of blood (asked only once) |
Donations (asked only once) |
Donations of goods (asked only once) |
plj0108, plj0109, plj0110, plj0111, plj0112, plj0113, plj0114, plj0115 |
Goals in life (Kluckhohn) (asked irregularly) |
plh0105, plh0106, plh0107, plh0108, plh0109, plh0110, plh0111, plh0112 |
Impulsivity, patience (asked irregularly) |
Income justice, general (asked only once) |
plh0118, plh0119, plh0120, plh0121, plh0122, plh0123, plh0124, plh0125, plh0126, plh0127 |
Life satisfaction (asked annually) |
Lottery question (asked irregularly) |
Optimism/pessimism (asked irregularly) |
Organisational and community membership (asked irregularly) |
Policy objectives (Inglehart Index) (asked only once) |
Political Tendency, Left-Right (asked irregularly) |
Political orientation (asked annually) |
Political orientation (asked irregularly) |
Reciprocity (asked irregularly) |
Religious affiliation (asked irregularly) |
Risk aversion in different domains (asked irregularly) |
Risk aversion in general (asked irregularly) |
Satisfaction with various aspects (asked annually) |
plh0171, plh0172, plh0173, plh0175, plh0177, plh0178, plh0180 |
Satisfaction with various aspects (asked irregularly) |
Social responsibility (asked only once) |
plh0016, plh0017, plh0018, plh0019, plh0020, plh0021, plh0022, plh0023, plh0024, plh0025, plh0026 |
Trust, trustworthiness and fairness (asked irregularly) |
pld0043, pld0044, pld0045, plh0192, plh0193, plh0194, plh0195, plh0196 |
Wage justice (asked irregularly) |
Well-being aspects (asked annually) |
plh0091, plh0092, plh0093, plh0094, plh0095, plh0096, plh0097, plh0098, plh0099, plh0100, plh0101, plh0102, plh0103 |
Worries (asked annually) |
plh0032, plh0033, plh0035, plh0038, plh0040, plh0042, plh0043 |
Worries (asked only once) |
Big Five personality traits (asked annually) |
char10, char1a, char1b, char2, char3, char4, char5, char6, char7, char8, char9 |
Strengths and difficulties questionnaire (asked annually) |
behav1, behav10, behav11, behav12, behav13, behav14, behav15, behav16, behav17, behav2, behav3, behav4, behav5, behav6, behav7, behav8, behav9 |
Temperament (asked annually) |
Vineland adaptive behavior scales (asked annually) |
mvmn1, mvmn3, mvmn4, mvmn5, sclr2, sclr3, sclr4, sclr5, skll1, skll2, skll3, skll4, skll5, spch3, spch5 |
Time Use and Environmental Behavior¶
Questionnaire |
Module |
Variables |
Computer usage (asked annually) |
Computer usage (asked only once) |
Leisure activities (long) (asked irregularly) |
pli0079, pli0080, pli0081, pli0082, pli0083, pli0084, pli0085, pli0087, pli0088, pli0089, pli0090, pli0091, pli0092, pli0093, pli0094, pli0095, pli0096, pli0097, pli0098 |
Time use for different activities (Saturdays) (asked annually) |
Time use for different activities (Saturdays) (asked irregularly) |
pli0003, pli0012, pli0019, pli0024, pli0031, pli0036, pli0054, pli0055, pli0056 |
Time use for different activities (Sundays) (asked irregularly) |
pli0007, pli0010, pli0011, pli0016, pli0022, pli0028, pli0034, pli0057, pli0058 |
Time use for different activities (weekdays) (asked annually) |
pli0038, pli0040, pli0043, pli0044, pli0046, pli0047, pli0049, pli0051, pli0059 |
Time use for different activities (weekdays) (asked irregularly) |
Trip to work (asked irregularly) |
plb0147, plb0148, plb0149, plb0150, plb0151, plb0153, plb0154, plb0155, plb0156, plb0157, plb0158, plb0159, plb0175 |
Trip to work (asked only once) |
Use of transportation for errands (asked irregularly) |
Use of transportation for excursions (asked irregularly) |
Use of transportation in general (asked irregularly) |
pli0101, pli0102, pli0103, pli0104, pli0105, pli0106, pli0107, pli0108, pli0109, pli0110, pli0111, pli0112, pli0113, pli0114, pli0115, pli0116, pli0117, pli0118, pli0119, pli0120, pli0121, pli0122, pli0123 |
Use of transportation in general (asked only once) |
Use of transportation in leisure time (asked irregularly) |
Use of transportation to take children places (asked irregularly) |
Use of transportation to take children places (asked only once) |
Use of transportation to work (asked irregularly) |
Traffic and energy (asked irregularly) |
Integration, Migration, Transnationalization¶
Questionnaire |
Module |
Variables |
Applying for German citizenship (asked irregularly) |
Contacts abroad, thoughts about moving abroad (asked only once) |
Disadvantage / discrimination based on ethnic origins (detailed) (asked annually) |
Integration indicators (asked irregularly) |
Intention to stay (asked annually) |
Intention to stay (asked irregularly) |
Language ability German / native language (asked annually) |
Language use, newspapers (asked irregularly) |
Native language (asked annually) |
Regional attachment (asked irregularly) |
Regional attachment (asked only once) |
Sense of home (asked irregularly) |
Visiting / being visited by Germans and foreigners at home (asked irregularly) |