Digital platforms and life satisfaction
Short Description: This module proposes seven items to assess individuals’ digital platform usage. In doing so, it focuses on the (i.) quantity (which platforms do respondents use for how long?) (ii.) intentions (why do individuals use them?), and (iii.) impact (how does it affect individuals?) of digital platform usage. Combining these variables with the SOEP-core may enable researchers to answer research questions on what explains variation in digital platform usage and how digital platform usage affects individuals’ attitudes and well-being.
Methodological Details: The respondents were asked various questions about digital platforms. For example, how often and why they use Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, Reddit, Tiktok, Snapchat or messenger services.
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Licia Bobzien (Hertie School), Fabian Kalleitner (University of Vienna), Ulrich Kohler (University of Potsdam), Roland Verwiebe (University of Potsdam) |
2023 |
tba |
Coming with release in 2026 |
~4/2026 |
Sociology |
Survey items |