Comparing Measures of Experimential and Evaluative Well-Being
Short Description: Asking about people’s feelings throughout the day as they go through their lives (experience sampling method, ESM) allows us to get an overall sense of how a person’s life is going by measuring how they feel on a moment-to-moment basis. Further, this allows us to examine how specific day-to-day activities affect quality of life.
Contact |
Syear |
Respondents |
Dataset |
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Availability |
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Method |
Replication |
Richard E. Lucas (Michigan State University) |
2014 |
265 |
idrm_esm |
around10, emotion3, emotion1, pzuf07, around2, pgef1, emotion6, bb7, drm_wt, around3, emotion12, pzuf13, pzuf02, around6, bb4, akt_e, pzuf01, akt_pleasant, pzuf05, emotion11, pgef2, bb1, bb5, emotion7, emotion5, akt_sek, aktnr, around4, around1, around7, pzule1, around8, pzuf08, pzuf04, drm_a, pgef4, pgef3, ort, im_drm_esm, emotion8, akt, bb6, bb3, emotion2, pzuf20, emotion4, around5, emotion10, around9, akt_sek_jn, akt_s, emotion13, bb2, emotion9 |
04/2017 |
Psychology |
Experience sampling method |