Job Preferences and Willingness to Accept Job Offers
Short Description: The factorial survey module on job preferences and willingness to accept job offers provides multidimensional, experimental measurements of job preferences and demanded compensations for (un-)favorable working conditions. It enables deeper insights on the impact of gender, household structures, and job conditions on inequalities in the labor market.
Methodological Details: Five vignettes describing job offers in Germany were presented to participants. Several aspects of the vignettes varied, including the commuting distance, the length of the employment contract, long-term career prospects and child care opportunities. For each vignette, respondents were asked how attractive the job offer seems to them, how likely it is that they would accept the offer and how likely it would be for them to move to the new location.
Find the proposal for the module here
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Replication |
Katrin Auspurg (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich), Thomas Hinz (University of Konstanz) |
2013 |
~1700 |
inno |
vtvig13, VRL2a, vsvig33, vt1l, vsvig13, vsvig11, vtvig31, vtvig32, vsvig22, vsvig51, vmvig41, vsvig31, EndZeitVig, vtvig11, vs4l, vtvig51, vsvig23, VRL1a, vsvig52, vtvig12, vrl202, vrl201, vmvig52, vt5l, vmvig31, vt4l, im_jp, vtvig41, vid, vsvig21, vtvig33, vsvig32, vsvig41, vroll2, vt3l, varstp1, vmvig12, vtvig23, vtvig52, varstp2, vso1, vmvig11, vs1l, vs3l, vmvig43, vsvig53, vtvig43, vs2l, vmvig51, vmvig53, vtvig42, vrl102, vtvig53, vfrber8, vtvig22, vtvig21, vrl101, vmvig32, vsvig43, vmvig13, vmtm, vt2l, vmvig33, vmvig42, vs5l, vmvig23, vsvig12, vfrber7, StartZeitVig, vmvig21, vsvig42, vmvig22 |
04/2016 |
Sociology |
Experiment |