SOEP-IS Questionnaires Introduction

The questionnaire for the SOEP Innovation Survey data collection consists of multiple parts that are integrated into one complete questionnaire. This is a contrast to the other SOEP samples with their multiple separate questionnaires. In order to provide a smooth and efficient interview situation for SOEP-IS, a script automatically routes the respondent to all the question modules the subject is intended to answer in the present survey. The SOEP-IS questionnaire includes the following modules:

  • recurring basic questionnaire (consisting of different parts)

  • rotating questions

  • pretest questions

  • innovative modules

Recurring Basic Questionnaire

This part of the questionnaire provides the basis for the annual survey. The questions included in this section are to be asked every year in order to survey the basic panel information. As in SOEP Core, the questions can be divided into different sub-questionnaires (even if the documentation is only one questionnaire PDF):

  • The household questionnaire to be completed by one member of the household (preferably the one who is best informed about household members and overall matters)

  • The individual questionnaire to be completed by each household member aged 18 and over.

  • The biography questionnaire for new panel members (new respondents as well as young people who participate in the panel for the first time as an adult)

  • The child questionnaire to be completed by one parent for each of the children aged 17 and younger

The rationale behind the integration of household and individual questionnaires into one shorter interview is to allow more time for innovative modules and tests. To maintain a flow within the questionnaire and to make the survey as pleasant as possible for the respondents, the innovation modules are organized around related topics. Additionally, the innovation modules are spread over the questionnaire in a way to avoid possible influences in answer patterns between blocks.

The questions in the basic questionnaire are mainly taken from the SOEP core questionnaire in order to ensure the greatest possible comparability of the studies. However, it is a significantly shortened version of the questionnaire. For this reason, some questions have been additionally modified and cannot be directly compared with SOEP-Core. In addition, various methodological aspects result in some further deviations in scales, items and wording.

Household Questionnaire

Respondent: Head of household


  • Dwelling

  • Ancillary costs

  • State subsidies

  • Household income

  • Care dependencies

  • Children in the household

Note: In the questionnaires since 2022, the questions of the household questionnaire can be identified in the respective table of contents by the chapter designation beginning with “H” (e.g. “HH1.1” or “HK1.1”)

Individual Questionnaire

Respondent: Persons 18 years and older in the household


  • Citizenship

  • Family status

  • Income

  • Previous year education

  • Qualification

  • Occupation

  • Occupational position

  • Health

  • Domestic changes

  • Contentment

Note: In the questionnaires since 2022, the questions of the individual questionnaire can be identified in the respective table of contents by the chapter designation beginning with “P” (e.g. “P1.1”)

Biography Questionnaire

Respondent: Supplementary, one-time data from the personal questionnaire of all persons aged 18 and over in the household.


  • Nationality

  • Relationships

  • Siblings

  • Life course: education

  • Life course: unemployment

  • Parents

Note: In the questionnaires since 2022, the questions of the biography questionnaire can be identified in the respective table of contents by the chapter designation beginning with “B” (e.g. “B1.1”)

Child Questionnaire

Respondent: Parent in household


  • Childbirth

  • Health screening

  • Well-being

Note: In the questionnaires since 2022, the questions of the child questionnaire can be identified in the respective table of contents by the chapter designation beginning with “K” (e.g. “K1.1”)

Rotating Questions

Rotating modules consists of questions that are not asked every year but only at specific intervals. This may be due to the fact that these are long items that take a lot of time and therefore cannot always be asked, or because the content asked tends to remain constant or is more likely to change in the long term. Examples of rotating modules are the Big Five Personality Traits, religious affiliation, or worktime on weekends and public holidays. The rotating modules are mainly located in the individual questionnaire.

Respondent: Persons 18 years and older in the household

Note: In the questionnaires since 2022, the rotating questions can be identified in the respective table of contents by the chapter designation beginning with “Rmod” (e.g. “Rmod1”)

Pretest Questions

SOEP-IS not only contains innovative modules from external researchers, but also serves as an opportunity to test content that should later be implemented in SOEP-Core. Therefore, there are some pretest questions in several survey years of SOEP-IS. Pretests are not limited to the individual questionnaire but might appear in every section of the questionnaire.

Note: In the questionnaires since 2022, the pretest questions can be identified in the respective table of contents by the chapter designation beginning with “Rmod” (e.g. “Rmod1”) and that the term “Pretest” is explicitly mentioned in the sub-heading. For technical reasons it is currently not implemented, that the pretest questions have their own designation in the table of contents but they are treated as rotating modules.

Innovative Modules

Innovative modules are not limited to the individual questionnaire but might appear in every section of the questionnaire.

Note: In the questionnaires since 2022, the questions of inovative modules can be identified in the respective table of contents by the chapter designation beginning with “Imod” (e.g. “Imod1”).